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Friends Quaker church-affiliated schools within Kakamega County have agreed to hold joint exams courtesy of their sponsor. Already a team has been put in place to oversee the process that will bring together seven yearly meetings within the county to marshal support and supervise the setting of the joint exams that will bring together over schools.


Friends Quaker church-affiliated schools within Kakamega County have agreed to hold joint exams courtesy of their sponsor. Already a team has been put in place to oversee the process that will bring together seven yearly meetings within the county to marshal support and supervise the setting of the joint exams that will bring together over schools. Speaking during the form one orientation ceremony at Friends Malava Boys, the Quaker education secretary and retired Chief Principal Masayi Mwalati informed the parents that as a church they were committed to sharpening and producing the best out of their children hence the introduction of county joint exams from the initial sub county one.

Вестник Кипра №1053
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White Ali’i Warrior
Quaker Affiliated Schools In Kakamega County To Hold Joint Exams
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Quaker Affiliated Schools In Kakamega County To Hold Joint Exams

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